Monday, 30 August 2010

Why Stewart Jackson is wrong by a 'leftie wierdo'

Tory MP Stewart Jackson went on a vendetta against Sex Education with a remarkable rant on social networking site Twitter. It occurred following figures announcing that there had been a 3% rise in new STI cases in the UK last year. He tweeted ‘Very disappointing new on STD rates in Peterborough. No doubt our Liberal friends will tell us we need more sex education – as it’s worked so well!’ Lowest form of wit Stewey boy but highest form of ignorance. He makes a strong argument, I mean, who can propose a better solution than telling our kids nothing, crossing our fingers and hoping that they don’t stumble upon anyone of the opposite sex. Oh please Stewart, sex education is there to ensure kids are as safe as possible and it shows the importance of protection. I doubt all those pictures they’re shown of mangled and infected genitalia are a great advocate for unprotected sex? But wait, Stewarts got an ace up his sleeve, through incredibly sophisticated language and a strong argument Stewart hits back at those who question his views with a tweet slamming them as ‘sad, tedious sex-obsessed leftie wierdos’. Progressive politics ladies and gentlemen. In another tweet the MP for Peterborough claimed his opponents were ‘unable to debate issues without personal abuse and vicious shrill denunciation’ perhaps because your argument centres around your opinion that those who oppose your views are ‘wierdos’.

No one can get hold of Stewart at the moment as he is away on holiday however his office is aware of his comments. In light of the STI statistics health ministers have said they want to increase young people’s awareness of STIs which contradicts Stewart’s brush-it-under-the-carpet approach, he won’t be too happy.

Sorry Stewart but your wrong on this one; I guess I’m just one of those ‘sad, tedious sex-obsessed leftie wierdos’.