Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Mystery of the Front Line Service

Now this is a tricky one. Obviously throughout the centuries the English language has changed greatly, meanings and spellings of words have changed a good deal. However I, as I’m sure you have, have noted a more rapid change to the term 'front line service’. This term first came to our attention in the build up to the general election if you remember back that far. All three leaders promised that there would be no cuts to front line services and only efficiency savings. I do not question the trustworthiness of the politicians of course, but am provoking the debate into the reason behind the rapid definition change of this term. At the general election the accepted definition for a front line service seemed to be a policeman or a teacher or the nice people who make soup in hospitals but after plans emerged to cut back on staff in these fields we were politely informed that these were, in fact, not frontline services. Hmm. I guess I then assumed that school buildings would be on the front line? I then felt very embarrassed when the 'Building schools for the future' project was axed which basically makes sure school walls and other school related debris doesn't fall on pupils. I felt this was pretty front line; however I had been corrected again and told by Education Michael Gove that it was most definitely not front line because it was 'wasteful'....whatever that means. I had a deep think and then thought that imprisoning criminals must have been kinda near the front? I was left red faced when Ken Clarke outlined his master plan to 'take action and shut off this revolving door of crime and reoffending' which involved, er......putting less criminals in prison...wow. Number 10 insisted, that this was, of course, not a front line service. So now I am very confused indeed...